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The Squidmar Open


Bringing the community together in a great celebration of all the wonderful work by painters around the globe

In the last 5 years we have inspired people in the hobby to help them evolve as painters while having tons of fun doing so. The Squidmar Open is our way of taking the next step in this endeavour.

We like to keep things clear, and so there will be three categories to enter your miniatures in. And to open the competition for more people, we have decided to have two levels of difficulty/judging criteria; Master and Standard. From the 1st of December 2024 to the 30th of January 2025 you can enter your competition pieces.

Categories & levels

You may only enter once per category.

gold standard


A category perfect for miniature painters looking to enter their first painting competition. Or maybe you’ve entered a few, but never had the chance to bring home a prize. Anyone that would feel great about just participating, and maybe bringing home their first prize, would do well entering this difficulty level.

gold masters


For experienced painters. Maybe you’ve won painting competitions before or placed in a couple. Or maybe you just stand out among your peers. If you are an expert painter, there’s all the honor to gain entering the Masters Level - and even more so by bringing home a medal in this difficulty level.



A diorama, a scene with one or more miniatures, or a larger group of single minis such as a squad or a unit.

Single mini

Single human-sized miniatures such as 28/32/54mm scale, including figures riding reasonably sized mounts (i.e., horses, etc.) As a rule of thumb, the total height of the miniature should be under 80mm.

Reasonably sized vignettes or scenic bases are allowed in this category.

large scale-open

Large scale/open

Any miniature larger than 54mm scale and over 81mm in total height. That includes 75mm miniatures, Busts, collectibles statues and similar sculpts.

If you’ve got 32mm scale miniatures such as Monsters or larger creatures they should be entered in to this category.

Awards and prizes:

awards and prizes

Squidmar Open is a competition that celebrates amazing miniature art. And with that, our judging is not based on one first place, one second and one third.

Instead, we’ll be handing out prizes based on what level your entry has. Meaning that there can be multiple gold winners in each difficulty level and category. There might be 3 golds and 5 silvers if the entries reach that level! We also want to premiere excellence; in that we will have a couple of best off awards, such as best in show, best of sona miniature and most creative and original entry. These best off awards will also be rewarded with some pretty exciting prizes such as airbrushes, 3d printers and much more!







Single winners

  • Best In Show Award
  • Best Of Sona (best miniature from any of the Squidmar releases and Kickstarters, 32mm or 75mm)
  • Best Atmosphere Award
  • Best Creativity/Originality Award
  • Best Single Miniature Award
  • Best Squad/Diorama/Unit Award
  • Best Large Scale Award
  • Best In Show Standard Award

Multiple Winners

  • Gold – Masters
  • Silver – Masters
  • Bronze – Masters
  • Gold – Standard
  • Silver – Standard
  • Bronze – Standard


  • Best In Show: Phrozen Sonic Mighty Revo 10.1" 14K LCD 3D Printer (total value €959)
  • Best Of Sona: 1 Squidmar Infinity 2024 limited edition airbrush (total value €300)
  • Best Atmosphere Award: 1 Squidmar Infinity 2024 limited edition airbrush (total value €300)
  • Best Creativity/Originality Award: 1 Squidmar Infinity 2024 limited edition airbrush (total value €300)
  • Best Single Miniature Award: 1 Squidmar Essential Paint Set, 1 Squidmar Dark Future Paint Set, and 1 Squidmar Fantasy Paint Set (total value €112)
  • Best Squad/Diorama/Unit Award: 1 Squidmar Essential Paint Set, 1 Squidmar Dark Future Paint Set, and 1 Squidmar Fantasy Paint Set (total value €112)
  • Best Large Scale Award: 1 Squidmar Essential Paint Set, 1 Squidmar Dark Future Paint Set, and 1 Squidmar Fantasy Paint Set (total value €112)
  • Best In Show Standard Award: 1 Squidmar Evolution 2024 airbrush (total value €230)


Emil Nyström

Emil Nyström

Mr Squidmar himself! Emil started playing Warhammer at the age of 12. He played the game and painted miniatures as though his life depended on it. But at the age of 15, other things came in the way, and he quit the hobby. After a 16-year hiatus, he managed to find his way back, resulting in a spectacular YouTube bonanza with Squidmar Miniatures. With over 280 videos published over the last 5 years, Emil has entertained, encouraged, and inspired people invested in the hobby - all in an effort to help people evolve as painters and have tons of fun while doing so.

Lukas Holmström

Lukas Holmström

The young gun and rising star of the Squidmar YouTube channel. Lukas started painting in 2008, when he was about 8 years old, and has more or less been painting since then. Now 24 years old, his skills with the brush speak of a promising future, with trophies from various painting competitions continuing to come in and a drive to one day get some cookies.

Angelo Di Chello

Angelo Di Chello

Famous miniature painter who holds the world record in Golden Demon awards. To date, Angelo has won 67 Golden Demons and three Slayer Swords, making him the painter with the most Golden Demons in the world. While best known for his miniature painting skills, Angelo also has a deep passion for role-playing games, especially Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, as well as board games and wargames.

Albert Moreto Font

Albert Moreto Font

World-renowned miniature painter who has won 10 Golden Demon awards and 2 Slayer Swords. He started painting at the age of 9 and has been pursuing it seriously since he was around 15 years old. His work is often described as ultra-polished and smooth, though he describes his own pieces as encapsulating a more important and difficult use of color, light, and volumetry. Albert enjoys all things DIY-related but has a soft spot for digital sculpting and illustration.

Dave Colwell

Dave Colwell

David is a miniature painter from Melbourne, Australia, where he is heavily involved in pushing the national miniature painting scene forward. Over the past few years, he has taken the scene by storm with his distinctive style, just as at home on a beautiful elven bust as on his reimaginings of the Space Marines legions. He has gone from exclusively Warhammer Fantasy to branching out to all manufacturers. He’s not a gamer but a painter and creator.

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